Land Use
The Planning and Development Department is responsible for ensuring land use is consistent with the County's Official Plan as well as with all relevant provincial policies, legislation and regulations. It is also responsible for economic development and for providing an effective and efficient Hastings-Quinte 9-1-1 service.
About the
Planning and Development Department
The Planning and Development Department works with and advises member municipalities, the Planning Advisory Committee, and the public on development and long-term planning policy.
The Planning and Development Department works with other organizations, including the provincial ministries involved in land use and environmental policies and regulation. The Department also works with staff of member municipalities and partner municipalities on matters of growth and development.
Consent Application August 2020 FILLABLE FORM
Consent Application August 2020
Consent Application - Owner Acknowledgement and Declaration
Planning | Fee | Previous Fee |
County Historical Atlas | $25.00 (plus postage) | $60.00 |
Road Name Changes within the County of Hastings (excluding name changes for safety issues) | $2,700.00 | n/c |
Copy of Official Plan & Schedules | $50.00 (plus postage) Note: Available on website at no cost. | n/c |
Official Plan Amendment Application | $1,000.00 | n/c |
Plans of Subdivision/Condominium (dependent on number of lots/units) and not including peer review costs – up to 20 lots/units – up to 50 lots/units – over 50 lots/units | $3,000.00 $4,000.00 $6,000.00 | n/c |
Re-circulation fee for applications of subdivision/condominium | $500.00 | n/c |
Draft Approval Extension | $500.00 | n/c |
Condominium Exemption Request | $500.00 | n/c |
Independent Peer Review by a professional consultant or lawyer of detailed studies/reports/drafts agreements (ie. hydrogeological, retail market, noise, environmental impact, lake capacity, development agreement, etc.) | At cost – $3,000.00 refundable deposit provided at time of making application or when required by County staff. | n/c |
Consent Application New lot (1 severed & 1 retained), lot addition, easement, right-of-way & Validation of Title | $900.00/application | $600.00/application |
Review of draft deeds, re-stamping | $75.00 each | n/c |
Re-circulation fee of consent application, necessitated by applicant | $200.00 each | n/c |
Other Planning Services for Member Municipalities: 1. Staff report re: minor variance or rezoning application; 2. Preparation of draft by-laws & schedules, including zoning by-law amendment, removal of holding (H) symbol & deeming by-law; 3. Pre-consultation, site visit and/or attendance at Committee or Council meeting; 4. Review of a draft site plan or development agreement; 5. Preparation and Attendance at Ontario Municipal Board Hearings in support of municipality; 6. Update of digital zone schedule; 7. Park Lot Control By-Law | 1. No fee 2. No fee 3. No fee 4. No fee 5. No fee 6. No fee 7. $500.00 + $100.00/lot | n/c |
Notes: Applicable Conservation Authority Fees for the review of any planning applications are collected by the respective authority as per their fee schedule.
About the Consent Process
The Hastings County Planning and Development Committee serves as the Land Division Committee (“Committee) and is a Committee comprised of Council members. Committee meetings are generally held at the Hastings County Administration Building on the third Tuesday of each month. The duties and responsibilities of the Committee are outlined in the provincial Planning Act.
The Committee grants consents. Generally speaking the “consent” of the Committee enables certain transactions to occur relating to the subdivision of land. These transactions can include the creation of a new lot; leases over 21 (twenty one) years; rights-of-way and easements over 21 (twenty one) years; lot adjustments and extensions; correction to deeds or property descriptions; mortgage or partial discharge of a mortgage; and, foreclosure or exercise of power of sale.
In addition to the previous requirements, it is important to realize that conformity with the County’s Official Plan and Zoning By-law does not mean that the Application for Consent will be automatically approved. Under the Planning Act, the Committee must also have regard to the health, safety, convenience and welfare of the present and future inhabitants of the municipality. As per section 53 of the Planning Act, the Committee must consider the following:
a. Whether a Plan of Subdivision is necessary for the proper and orderly development of the Municipality;
b. The effect of the proposal on matters of provincial interest as referred to in section 2 of the Planning Act;
c. Whether the proposal is premature or in the public interest;
d. Whether the proposal conforms to the Official Plan and adjacent Plans of Subdivision, if any;
e. The suitability of the land for the purposes for which the consent applies;
f. The number, width, location, grades and adequacy of roads adjacent to, and in the vicinity of the lands subject to the consent;
g. The dimensions and shape of the proposed lot(s);
h. The restrictions or proposed restrictions, if any, on the land proposed to be subdivided or on the buildings and structures proposed to be erected thereon and the restrictions, if any, on adjoining lands;
i. Conservation of natural resources and flood control;
j. The adequacy of utilities and municipal services;
k. The adequacy of school sites;
l. The area of land, if any, within the proposal that, exclusive of highways, is to be conveyed or dedicated for public purposes, and;
m. The physical layout of the lots having regard to energy conservation.
To ensure the above factors have been taken into account, the Committee, as part of its Decision, may impose conditions as it considers appropriate.
The Consent Process
Step 1 - Pre-Consultation
View our Pre-Consultation page here to learn more.
The most important step in the process is pre-consultation with a Planner from the County of Hastings Planning and Development Department.
The purpose of pre-consultation is to provide you with an overview of the consent process and to assist you with any initial questions you may have regarding that process. The pre-consultation allows the Planner to determine if there are any major concerns or issues with your proposal with regard to Federal, Provincial or Municipal policies and regulations. The Planner may also be able to identify whether additional information or studies will be required. Pre-consultation helps to avoid unnecessary delays and any “surprises/issues” that may arise later on in the process.
It is also important to consult with your local Municipality as they often provide comments and request conditions of consent approval. There are a variety of other agencies that you may also need to pre-consult with as they may have an interest in or may provide comments on your proposed severance. These agencies may include: the local Conservation Authority, Ministry of Transportation or Ministry of Natural Resources. The County of Hastings Planning Staff can assist you as to which agencies should be consulted prior to submitting an application.
To aid in the Pre-Consultation, the following information should be provided to the Planner:
a. A proposed consent layout sketch showing all structures on the property, adjoining land uses and roads/streets;
b. Legal description, civic address and roll number(s) of the property;
c. Brief description of the proposal;
d. Identification of all other departments and agencies that have been consulted.
Here you will find our Pre-Consultation Form that can be filled out and used when working with one of our planners.
Step 2 - Submitting a Complete Application
Application forms and instructions are available at your local municipal office, at the County of Hastings Planning and Development Office and on the County of Hastings website at
The application form MUST be completed in its entirety. Should you have any questions regarding the information required in the application form, please contact the Planning and Development Office. Once completed, the Declaration of the Owner/Agent must be signed before a Commissioner of Oaths to affirm the accuracy of the application form. If an Agent is submitting the application on behalf of the property Owner, the Owner(s) must complete and sign the Owner Acknowledgement and Consent and the Appointment of Authorized Agent section of the application.
An application must include 5 copies of a sketch to scale (preferably prepared by an Ontario Land Surveyor) in accordance with the sketch guidelines on Appendix ‘A’. An application should also include any additional information that you may wish to provide or believe will be helpful in reviewing your application; it should also include information identified during the pre-consultation stage by planning staff or other agencies.
Your application will be reviewed for completeness by planning staff. Any missing or incomplete information may result in a delay of the process and/or your application form being returned to you. Once an application has been deemed complete, planning staff will initiate the consent process.
Fees are payable based on the fee schedule in effect on the date the application is made.
Step 3 - The Consent Process
The Consent process is governed by the policies and regulations of the Planning Act. It may take three (3) to four (4) months from the time of submission of the Application for Consent until the time a Notice of Decision is received. Should there be appeals received, the process may be delayed. Times may vary greatly depending on the number and complexity of issues arising as part of the application review process and/or staff work volumes.
A. Circulation/Notice
The Planning Act requires that when a complete application for consent is received, notice of the application must be sent to a variety of different agencies (e.g. member municipality) for review and comment. Also, notice of the application will be sent to all land owners within 60 metres of the subject property (severed and retained lands). Should any objection be received from an adjoining landowner, a public hearing will then be held.
You will be sent orange placards to be posted at the road side at the two front corners of the severed lands. These placards must be clearly visible from the road and are to remain there until the Land Division/Planning Committee’s decision becomes final.
The placards can be attached to an existing feature such as a fence or pole or placed on a stake.
It is a requirement that you take photos of the placards from the roadside and attach these photos to the Declaration confirming the date that they were posted. This Declaration with attached photos must be returned to the Land Division Secretary. The Commissioner of Oaths portion of the Declaration form may be completed on-site, by appointment, at the closest Municipal office or by a Notary Public of your choice. Photos and the Declaration may be brought in person to the Planning and Development Office located at 235 Pinnacle Street, Belleville, via mail to the attention of the Land Division Secretary, or by email to
If the identification placards are lost or damaged/destroyed, please contact the Planning and Development Department immediately to request replacement placards. Failure to post these placards may result in a delay of your application. The placards must be posted a minimum of 14- days prior to a decision being rendered.
After the appeal period for an application has concluded and a Notice of No Appeal has been issued to relevant departments and the Applicant, the placards may then be removed.
• Land Division/Planning Committee
A public meeting is held for those files that are not recommended for approval by County Planning Staff, or those that have been the subject of agency or public concern. Should an objection from an adjoining land owner and/or agency be received, your application will be scheduled for the next available Land Division/Planning Committee meeting. At the public meeting, the Committee will review all of the information and make a decision to Approve, subject to conditions, Deny or Defer the application.
Council of the County of Hastings have delegated authority to the Director of Planning and Development to give provisional consent to uncontested applications. Planning staff prepare a report for the consideration of the Director of Planning and Development which addresses the proposed application with regard to consistency with the Provincial Policy Statement, conformity to the County of Hastings’ Official Plan, compliance with the local municipality’s comprehensive zoning by-law and other applicable legislation. The staff report provides a recommendation and conditions of draft approval which the Director of Planning and Development will consider when reviewing the application and making their final decision. Should planning staff recommend approval, and no concerns or objections received from adjoining land owners or agencies; then your file may be approved without a public hearing by the Director of Planning and Development.
After a decision has been made to approve or deny an application, the Land Division Secretary circulates a notice of decision within 15 days of the date of the decision which includes the conditions that need to be fulfilled. There is a 20 day appeal period (from the date the notice of decision is mailed) which the applicant or any other person or public body that provided written or oral comments prior to the decision being made may appeal the decision or condition(s) to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal. Should no appeals be received within the 20 day appeal period, the decision is deemed final.
Step 4 - Fulfilling Conditions
The applicant has two (2) years from the date of the mailing of the notice of decision to fulfill all conditions. It is the sole responsibility of the applicant to obtain the necessary approvals or information to fulfill all conditions of approval. If all conditions have not been fulfilled within the specified one year, the approval of the severance will lapse and the applicant will need to reapply for consent and go through the process again.
The applicant should begin to address and fulfill conditions as soon as possible as some conditions take substantial time to complete. There is no extension to the two-year limitation as it is a statutory timeframe and, save and except the passing of emergency provincial legislation, cannot be granted for any reason.
The Committee, or the Director, as the case may be, may impose such reasonable conditions to the provisional approval of an Application for Consent, as it deems appropriate. Such conditions may include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Proof of Potable Water
Prior to the endorsing of deeds for the severed lot, proof be lodged with the Land Division Office that there is a minimum of three and one-half (3½) gallons per minute of potable water available on the severed lot. This is applied to proposed lots (severed or retained) less than 5 acres in area where no municipal water supply is available.
2. Rezoning
The severed lot be rezoned to “Rural Residential”, for example, and proof of completion and approval of same be lodged with the Land Division Office prior to the endorsing of deeds for the severed lot. (See your individual Municipality for the rezoning procedure).
3. Road Widening
Sufficient land be deeded to the Township for road widening, by REGISTERED deed to provide a road width of 33 feet to the centre line of a Township road, across the frontage of the severed and retained land
4. Cash-In-Lieu of Parkland
A cheque in the amount of $_________ (determined by Municipality) under Section 51.1(3) of the Planning Act, 1990, and upon receipt of same, confirmation be lodged with the Land Division Office.
Pursuant to Schedule ‘A’ in the Hastings County’s Fees and Charges By-law 2017-0027, as amended, the fee for processing an Application for Consent is $900.00 and is payable to the “COUNTY OF HASTINGS” by cheque, certified cheque or money order upon submission of the application for consent. Cash, Debit and Credit Cards cannot be accepted. Application fees are non-refundable.
At the discretion of the Municipality, there may be need for a peer review of any of the required supporting studies/reports, the peer review shall be at the Applicant’s expense.
Should the subject property lie within a Conservation Authority watershed, your Application may be sent to that Conservation Authority for their review. Any fees for this review are invoiced directly by the individual Conservation Authority, and will be your responsibility to provide prompt payment as per their direction.
We strongly encourage all applicants to pre-consult with Planning staff prior to submitting an application.
Application Form:
Each application must be filled out completely and must be accompanied with a sketch of the Subject Lands (this includes both the proposed severed and retained lot). If you are using an agent, please ensure Section 15 has been completed. Incomplete applications may impede the processing of your application or result in your application being returned. Should you have any questions or concerns with regard to any part of the application form please contact the Hastings County Planning and Development Department.
Application Sketch:
The application sketch constitutes part of the complete application.
The sketch must be to scale and preferably prepared by an Ontario Land Surveyor. At least one copy of the sketch should be signed by the owner or agent. If the sketch is not accurate or does not contain the proper details, the processing of the application may be impeded or result in the application being returned to you, due to lack of information. Applications will not be accepted if any of the sketch guidelines are not included on the submitted sketch. Please refer to Appendix ‘A’
Sketch Guidelines
The application must be accompanied by 5 copies of a sketch showing:
1. A scale and north arrow;
2. All abutting lands owned by the owner (if any) and their boundaries and dimensions;
3. The distance between the owner’s lands and the nearest lot line or appropriate landmark (e.g. bridge, railway crossing);
4. The subject land, the part that is to be severed and the part that is to be retained showing the boundaries and dimensions of each. In preparing the sketch, the following colour scheme shall be used for identification:
GREEN OUTLINE – Subject Lands (severed and retained)
RED OUTLINE – Severed Lands
YELLOW OUTLINE – Easements or rights-of-way
ORANGE OUTLINE – Benefiting land (when it is a lot addition)
• The location of all lands previously severed, and their file number if known;
• The approximate location, size and type of all existing and proposed buildings and features on the subject lands (e.g. Buildings, railways, highways, wells, septic tanks/fields etc.), and the location of any of these features on adjacent lands which might affect this application. Please indicate the distance of the building/structure from the front, rear and side lot lines;
• The approximate location, size and type of all natural features on the subject lands (e.g. watercourses, drainage ditches, banks, escarpments, ridges, wetlands and wooded areas) and the location of any of these features on adjacent lands which might affect this application.
• The location, width and names of all road allowances, rights-of-way, streets or highways within or abutting the property, indicating whether they are public travelled roads, private roads, rights- of-way or unopened road allowances or shore road allowances. Where access is by water, the location of parking and boat docking facilities;
• The existing uses of adjoining land (e.g. residential, agricultural, extractive, commercial, etc.)
• The location and nature of any restrictive covenant, right of way or easement affecting the subject lands;
• The location of all barns, livestock operations and manure storage areas within 1000 metres of the proposed lot.
Sample Sketch
Creation of a New Lot
All copies of the sketch or survey must be coloured – red for severed lots, green for retained, yellow for easements or rights-of-ways, and orange for benefiting lot (when it is a lot addition).
The Hastings County Planning Advisory and Land Division Committee serves as the Land Division Committee (“Committee”) and is a committee that is composed of County Council members. Committee meetings are generally held at the Hastings County Administration Building and virtually on the third Tuesday of each month. The duties and responsibilities of the Committee are established by the provincial Planning Act[1] .
The Committee or delegated staff grants consents. Generally speaking, the consent of the Committee enables certain transactions to occur relating to the subdivision of land. These transactions can include:
- The creation of a new lot
- Leases over twenty-five years
- Rights of way and easements over twenty-one years
- Lot adjustments and extensions
- Correction to property descriptions
- Mortgage or partial discharge of a mortgage
- Foreclosure or exercise of power of sale
Before completing a Formal Application, please complete the Severance Proposal Form with as much detail as you can including: the number and size of proposed lot(s); use of the land (severed and retained); as well as note whether or not there is a barn or barns located on or near the lands (with or without livestock – please indicate which) as all of these details are required for this pre-consultation review keeping in mind that the more details provided at this step, the more realistic response our department can provide. If you should have any questions regarding the process or otherwise, please feel free to utilize this opportunity to include them at this time.
Please forward your submission with a concept sketch of the proposed severance including but not limited to current and proposed structures (if any), current and proposed entrances; and any other identifiable markers on the lands that will be of assistance in the review of your proposal with approximate measurements. If you have plans for future severances, please also advise of these plans.
Please email your Severance Proposal Form to one of the following Planners, depending on your location:
Emily Galloway - Township of Wollaston, Municipality of Marmora and Lake, Township of Madoc, Municipality of Centre Hastings
Gib Garrett - Municipality of Hastings Highlands, Township of Carlow/Mayo, Township of Tudor and Cashel, Municipality of Tweed, Town of Deseronto
Katherine Van Beek - Township of Faraday, Town of Bancroft, Township of Limerick, Township of Stirling-Rawdon, Township of Tyendinaga
Submitting a Formal Application for Consent Package: Please note that should you wish to proceed with submitting your consent for severance application, it is imperative that you discuss this application with the lawyer who will be assisting you through this process. As a result of recent changes to the Planning Act (which governs the division of land in Ontario), it is your responsibility to determine if you wish to have the retained lands transfer/deed stamped. The request must be submitted with your complete application together with your solicitor’s written opinion, as per s. 14.2 of O. Reg. 786/21. Therefore, a complete application submission would include the following:
- Application, including commissioning as required
- Fee, as per Schedule A of the Fees and Charges By-Law 2017-0027
- Required studies, as applicable
- Parcel register(s) for the subject property and for the benefiting property (if a lot addition)
- Solicitor's opinion RE: s. 14.2 of O. Reg. 786/21, as applicable
- Sketch, clearly outlining proposal details as per sketch requirements
- Requirements as per s. 53(1)(1.1) of the Planning Act and s. 18.1 of O.Reg. 197/96, if applicant is a purchaser
Guiding Documents for Development Applications: County of Hastings Official Plan (2018) was adopted by Hastings County Council on December 19, 2017, and approved by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing on August 3, 2018.
County of Hastings Official Plan Part B:
County of Hastings Official Plan Part C:
- Provincial Policy Statement (2020)
- Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing
- Ministry of Northern Development, Mines, Natural Resources and Forestry
- Crowe Valley Conservation Authority
- Quinte Conservation Authority
- Lower Trent Conservation Authority
- Hastings County Mapping
- Ontario Land Tribunal
The Official Plan provides goals, objectives, policies, and procedures to guide the sustainable growth and development of our communities that comprise Hastings County. The Official Plan focuses on the things that matter for creating a healthy and vibrant place for us to live: the social, economic, and environmental pillars of our communities. The Official Plan guides growth and physical change in the County, implements infrastructure improvements, protects and enhances natural resources, and conserves cultural heritage resources. The policies and objectives of the Official Plan help shape the future of Hastings County, which is important to all of us who live, work or play here.
County of Hastings Official Plan (2018)
The new County of Hastings Official Plan (2018) was adopted by Hastings County Council on December 19, 2017 and approved by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs on August 3, 2018 with 35 modifications and is now in full force and effect.
The Hastings County Official Plan is comprised of three parts; Part A – Official Plan (main document), Part B the Urban Communities Secondary Plan and Part C -the Bird’s Creek Secondary Plan.
PART A – The Official Plan – The main document that provides policies for the entire County Planning Area. This includes three Schedules;
Schedule A – Land Use Schedule
Schedule B – Natural Heritage Features and Areas and,
Schedule C – Aggregate and Mineral Resources
PART B – The Urban Communities Secondary Plan – A more detailed plan for the six (6) Urban communities including Bancroft Urban Area, Deseronto Urban Area, Madoc Urban Area, Marmora Urban Area, Stirling Urban Area and Tweed Urban Area.
Urban Communities Secondary Plan
PART C – Bird’s Creek Secondary Plan – Similar to the Urban Communities Secondary Plans. Part C provides a detailed land use framework for the hamlet of Birds Creek
Consent Application Notices
- B122_24 Reid_440 Wadsworth Lake L_TUDOR and CASHEL-Notice of Application
- B95_24 Rushworth Damiano_148 Graphite Ln_MONTEAGLE-Notice of Application
- B2_25 Kelly_168 Limerick Lake Rd_LIMERICK-Notice of Application
- B1_25 Edwards 136 Chemaushgon Rd BANCROFT Notice of Application
- B157.158_24 Hendrick_539 Clearview Rd_HUNTINGDON_Notice of Application
- B156_24_Cassidy_55 Bailey Rd_MARMORA_Notice of Application
- B154.155_24 Fulthorpe_Tangamong Lake_ LAKE_Notice of Application
- B142_24 Moore_14716 Hwy 62_MADOC_Notice of Application
- B3.4_25 Snyder_2831.2851 Harmony Rd_TYENDINAGA_Notice of Application
- B125-128_24 Kwan and Kwan Iekel Rd and 31B Lodge Dr FARADAY Notice of Application
- B116_24 Secord.Donnelly 322 Kuno Rd CARLOWMAYO Notice of Application
- B40_24 Farrell Farms 1599 Moira Rd RAWDON Notice of Application Mar 14 25
- B13_25 Donndale Farms_1348 Ridge Rd_RAWDON_Notice of Application
- B150.151_24_Conlon_306 Bartlett Rd_MONTEAGLE_Notice of Application
Pre-consultation is now mandatory before making any applications to Hastings County.
Learn more about a pre-consultation here.
Key Contacts

Jason Budd
Senior Planner

Emily Galloway

Gib Garrett

Katherine Van Beek
Frequently Asked Questions
Prior to pre-consultation, planning staff can provide you with some general information such as Official Plan designation or the zoning of a property. Once you file for pre-consultation however, the assigned planner will be your main point of contact throughout the development review process.
Your development proposal will have to comply with the Planning Act, the Provincial Policy Statement and other provincial or federal legislation and municipal by-laws or policies. The County also has an Official Plan and member municipalities have zone by-laws that establish the long-term vision and permitted uses for properties.
Each application has its own processing time. The processing time may depend on its complexity and individual issues. Requirements such as public notification, receiving comments, public meetings and the submission and approval of required studies supporting the proposal, as well as limited staff resources and the number of existing applications already in queue, may all play a role in determining the processing time.
Parkland dedication is one of the ways that a municipality secures additions to its park system. The dedication of parkland is a requirement under the Planning Act and allows a municipality to ensure that its park system grows along with the community. Each municipality has its own by-law setting out the provisions, including determining how much is required. Please contact the individual township or municipality to obtain further specific information.
There are two types of parkland dedication: the dedication of physical land or the payment of money in lieu of dedicating parklands, often referred to as cash-in-lieu of parkland. For new lot creation, parkland dedication/cash-in-lieu is typically required as a condition of the severance application and would be required to be dedicated/paid before the new lot could be created.
Learn more about the census profile of Hastings County by viewing the 2021 Canada Census.
A zoning by-law controls the use of land in your community. It specifies the permitted uses of land (e.g., commercial or residential) and the required standards (i.e., building size and location) in each municipality’s different land use zones. Each of the 14 local municipalities within the County have their own zoning by-law to regulate land use. Copies may be obtained by contacting the local municipal office, or copies of their zoning by-laws may be available online.
Generally, the County does not house legal surveys of properties for public use. The County maintains a GIS system, which includes all parcels of land within the County. The land parcel information is maintained by a provincial agency. The information contained within the system can be used for general information but is not meant to be survey accurate. Detailed information about the legal descriptions or status of a property can be obtained at the Land Registry Office for Hastings County, located at 199 Front Street, Suite 109, Century Place, Belleville, Ontario, K8N 5H5, for more information, please phone (613) 968-4597. Self-service options are available.
Hastings County is obligated under the Planning Act to circulate certain applications to various agencies. The Conservation Authority of the watershed in which the property is located is provided with the severance applications. Other agencies may include, but are not limited to, utility companies, other ministries (e.g., the Ministries of Energy, Northern Development and Mines), and railway companies, depending on the specific location of the property.
An appeal to the Ontario Land Tribunal within 20 days of any decision is your recourse. Contact staff to find out more about how to make an appeal or visit the Ontario Land Tribunal’s website.
The Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) planning jurisdiction includes hearing and deciding appeals in relation to a broad range of land use planning and development, heritage conservation, and municipal governance. Planning matters that come before the OLT are identified in statuses such as the Planning Act, Aggregate Resources Act, Ontario Heritage Act, Municipal Act, Development Charges Act, and Expropriations Act. The Acts include appeals of official plans, zoning by-laws, subdivision plans, consents and minor variances, land compensations, development charges, electoral ward boundaries, municipal finances and aggregate resources.
A Registered Professional Planner (RPP) may assist an applicant who is unfamiliar with the consent process or those who have complex applications. Those looking to hire a planner can visit the Ontario Professional Planners Institute website for more information on planners that you can hire. It is advisable that the planner has an RPP designation.
Land use planning helps build complete, healthy, and sustainable communities and guides decisions about where to locate homes and businesses, parks and schools, roads, sewers, and other essential services. Land use planning helps communities set growth and change goals while keeping social, economic, and environmental factors in mind. It also balances the interests of individual property owners with the wider interests of the whole community.
The municipal government in Hastings County is organized in a two-tier system. Hastings County forms the upper tier, working closely with 14 area municipalities who make up the lower tier. Both levels collaborate and align planning services to achieve efficiencies and best serve residents and visitors to Hastings County.
Hastings County does not have a development charge by-Law, however, some of our member municipalities with urban secondary plan areas have passed development charge by-laws for their communities. It is recommended that you consult with the municipality where you want to develop to determine whether a development charge will apply.
Applications for consent (severance), Official Plan amendment, and draft plan of subdivision/condominium are submitted to the Hastings County Planning and Development Department:
Planning and Development
235 Pinnacle Street
PO Bag 4400
Belleville, ON K8N 3A9
Other development applications such as zoning by-law amendment, minor variance, and site plan control are submitted directly to the member municipality where the proposed development is to occur.
Yes. When a development proposal requires multiple approvals (e.g., Official Plan and/or zoning by-law amendment and draft plan of subdivision), you are encouraged to file all applications concurrently. Filing concurrent applications can streamline your review process because it allows the County and member municipalities to coordinate and hold one consolidated public hearing for all applications and ensures that sufficient information is available to facilitate review of the applications.
No. Council has delegated some of its approval authority to staff for certain types of applications. Planning and Development staff have the authority to approve applications for consents, and exemption from part lot control.
A: Please note, changes to the Ontario Planning Act under Bill 23 have removed both the public notice and public meeting elements from the Plan of Subdivision application process. That being said, any person may still make written submissions to Council before a decision is made on application for draft plan of subdivision. Written submissions quoting the 12T- file number shown below may be directed to the County of Hastings Planning Department in order to be considered as part of the public record.
The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing has prepared a series of citizen guides that provide further information about the different types of planning applications and a generalized review process. The citizen guides can be accessed at the following links: