The following is list of funding opportunities and financial incentives that we are aware of. Our staff make an effort to keep this list as up-to-date as possible as we become aware of them.


There are also government and utility programmes to support business owners as they invest in improving their buildings’ efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions as well as training for energy auditors and managers. Here are four that we are aware of:


Energy Efficiency for Business & Industry | Save on Energy

Energy Efficiency for Small Business | Save on Energy

Energy Training & Support for Contractors & Allies | Save on Energy

Green Industrial Facilities and Manufacturing Program



Facade and Building Improvement Supports

Some of our local member municipalities across Hastings County have introduced what is known as a "Community Improvement Plan", or "CIP". This permits municipalities in Ontario to provide financial assistance to private property owners and businesses in a defined area including tax assistance, grants or loans.


Hastings County municipalities that currently offer grants for improvements through a CIP include:


Town of Bancroft - Tax Increment Equivalent Grant Program


Municipality of Centre Hastings - Community Improvement Plan


Marmora and Lake - Community Improvement Plan


Municipality of Tweed - Community Improvement Plan


The federally funded Community Futures Development Corporation located in Bancroft, which covers most of our County, also offers financial support for facade improvement. They have a grant program (50% of eligible costs up to $3,000) to assist businesses with facade improvements that will result in enhanced accessibility to the business or improvements that will result in a positive environmental impact either by the improvement made or the materials used. Contact their office for more information and to apply.



We invite you to use the Canadian Government's Business Benefits Finder. It can help you better narrow down what's available to specifically fit your need(s).


Applications open until May 31, 2025 - CanExport SMEs funding is now open! (Get up to $50,000 to cover 50% of costs of exporting products or services to countries where you have little or no sales)


Currently not accepting applications - Honey Bee Health Initiative (50% funding)

Open (until funds are used) - Resilient Agricultural Landscape Program 

Currently not accepting applications - Species at Risk Partnerships on Agricultural Lands (OSCIA; 50% funding)

December 19 deadline for following year - Canada Summer Jobs wage subsidy 

December 19 deadline - Experience Ontario 2025 Grant Program

January 8 deadline - Summer Employment Opportunities Program

January 15 deadline - Skode Program Grant Information Session (ITO, focus on Indigenous Culinary Tourism)
January 10 deadline - Grants for Theatre Creators (Ontario Arts Council)
January 15 deadline - Exhibition Assistance (Ontario Arts Council)

January 17 deadline -  Young Canada Works wage subsidy

January 31 deadline - Indigenous Visual Artists' Materials (Ontario Arts Council)

December 1, 2025 deadline (or until funds are used) - Food Safety and Growth Initiative (OMAFA/OMRA)

2025 - Starter Company Plus Grant (Small Business Centre)

2025 - Market Development Travel (Ontario Arts Council)



100 Women Who Care (Bancroft)

Aboriginal Entrepreneurship Program: Access to Capital

Applied Research and Development Grant
Alliance Grant (R&D partnerships with educational institutions and businesses)

Benefits and Grant Finder (search tool)

Black Entrepreneurship Loan Fund (FACE)

Black Opportunity Fund (contact for current funding availability)

BITS Bucks (Up to $5,000 grant/loan for youth 18-34)

Canada-Ontario Jobs Grant (Up to $10,000 for training)

Canadian Digital Adoption Program (Up to $15,000)

CIP Programs – Marmora and Lake, Tweed, Centre Hastings, Bancroft (2024 closed)

Community Futures Development Corp. - Local Initiatives Program (L.I.P.) (Up to $3,500 for incorporated not-for-profits)

Community Futures Development Corp. - Facade Improvement Grant

Digital Main Street (Up to $2,500)

Eastern Ontario Development Fund (up to 15% funding to a maximum of $5 million)

First Nations Women’s Entrepreneurship program (FNWE) (Loans and grants up to $15,000)

Funding for WMCO wood manufacturing members (expenses up to $100,000 at 45% funding)

Futurpreneur - Core startup program and flexible, equity-free startup business loan of up to $75,000 including up to $50,000 in financing from BDC

Grow Your Business Online Grant ($2,400)

Hockey Canada - Call for Indigenous Artists 

Honey Bee Health Initiative (cost-sharing up to $25,000)

Mitacs Entrepreneur International (up to $5,000 travel grant)

ODSP Start Up Benefit (Up to $500 for training and business costs)

Ontario Cultural Attractions Fund (partial funding)

PEFIP (Poultry and Egg On-Farm Investment Program)

R.A.I.S.E (Racialized and Indigenous Supports for Entrepreneurs, up to $10,000)

Rhyze Up! (Female-led businesses)

(SR&ED) Scientific Research and Experimental Development (earn tax incentives that reduce income tax payable) 

Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership (various programs)

Venture-Capital Ready (investment training for women entrepreneurs)


See Training and Workforce section for recruitment funding support


December 20 deadline - Funding for businesses in southern Ontario (FedDev)

December 20 deadline - Regional Artificial Intelligence Initiative in southern Ontario (FedDev)

BDC (Business Development Bank of Canada) 
BITS Bucks (Business In The Streets) - Up to $5,000 grant/loan for youth 18-34

Black Opportunity Fund 

Business Scale-up and Productivity - FedDev Ontario

Community Economic Development Diversification - FedDev Ontario 

Community Futures 

DELIA - Microloans for underserved women

FACE (Federation of African Canadian Economics)

FCC Women Entrepreneur Program

Futurpreneur - Ages 18-39

IAPO First Nations Farm & Business Financing
PARO - Women
WEOC (Women’s Enterprise Organizations of Canada)

We offer free and confidential business coaching to anyone who wants to start or expand a business. We also help existing business owners looking for some assistance with a particular hurdle. 


Learn more.


Wildly Successful Testimonials:

Cube Coffee Bar

Level Up Coaching & Consulting

Marmora Retreat

Our Neighbours' Farm

Stirling Kitchen Catering & Provisions

Tweed & Company Theatre

Up North Beauty & Wellness

York River Forestry

York River Interiors


Another great resource and partner in our community is The Small Business Centre based in Belleville. It helps entrepreneurs and business owners looking to launch a start-up or grow their small business. 


AgriMentor aims to provide support to female farmers, whether they are already established or aspiring to join the sector, by pairing them with experienced agricultural, or business female mentors for guidance tailored to their specific needs.

Workshops, Events, Education

Open until December - Training for Co-op Enterprise Developers (CoopZone)

December 3, 11am-1pm - 2SLGBTQI+ Travel Market Seminar (CGLCC - Canadian Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce)

December 5, 10am-12pm - Selling at Farmers’ Markets (OFA)

December 5, 11:30am-1pm - The Path to Success for Tourism Entrepreneurs (Futurpreneur and Tourism Innovation Lab)
December 10, 11:30am-12pm - Selling Travel Services Webinar (TICO - Travel Industry Council of Ontario)
December 11, 2-3pm - Harnessing Data and AI for Business Growth (CGLCC - Canadian Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce)

December 12, 9-11am - Free Tax Help For Small Businesses/Self-Employed Individuals (CRA)

December 12, 10am-12pm - Selling to Restaurants and Institutions (OFA)
December 12, 11:30am-12:15pm - Skode Program Information Session (ITO - Indigenous Tourism Ontario)
December 19, 12-1pm - What’s the Buzz? Connect and learn with Rainbow Registered (CGLCC - Canadian Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce)
January 7, 10-11am - Understanding Basic Analytics and Metrics (MellowBrew Marketing)

January 9, 10am-12pm - Selling Online and Leveraging Social Media Platforms (OFA - Ontario Federation of Agriculture)

January 15, 2-3pm - How to Make Your Business Size Inclusive: How Anti-Fat Bias is a Hidden Phenomenon (RTO 9)
January 15 - February 26 - Sustainable & Regenerative Tourism: A Series for Businesses & Destinations (GreenStep)

January 16, 10am-12pm - Labelling and Attributes: Organic, Free Range, Gluten-Free and more (OFA)

January 30, 10am-12pm - Exploring Agritourism Opportunities (OFA)

February 4, 10-11am - Social Media Customer Service & Engagement (MellowBrew Marketing)

February 13, 10am-12pm - Selling Local in Rural and Remote Ontario (OFA)

February 24-26 - FEO Annual Conference “Synergy” (Festivals & Events Ontario)

February 25-27 - International Indigenous Tourism Conference (ITAC - Indigenous Tourism Association of Canada)

February 27, 10am-12pm - Beyond Food: Textiles, Ornamental Horticulture & More (OFA)

March 3-5 - Southern Ontario Tourism Conference (TIAO)

April 7-9 - Restaurants Canada Show 2025

Open/On Demand:

BDC Learning Centre

OBCT (Ontario Building Trades and Construction) Newsletter

Ontario Chamber of Commerce Webinars

Small Business Centres Ontario: Business Basics, Start-Up, Business Growth

Start Now Incubator for Women Entrepreneurs

StrikeUp - Digital conference for women entrepreneurs

Teeny Tiny Summits

Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub  (WEKH)
Product Testing at Loyalist College - Contact Loyalist Industry Partnership Officer Laurie Caouette



Our Economic and Tourism Development Staff collect and analyze statistics, conduct research and review reports regularly. This helps inform our plans and programming, and should also serve to help you with your business planning. 


Achievement Incentive Program

AgriWorkplace Skills Training Program

Become Rainbow Registered (CGLCC)

Loyalist College Training and Knowledge Centre

STEP Program (training and onboarding)

Tourism Accelerated Resiliency & Retention Training (OTEC)




OYAP - Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (trades)
Apprenticeship Tax Credit (trades)

Hire an Apprentice

UBC Canadian District Apprenticeship Service Program - Up to $20,000/yr
CASP – Up to $10,000 for hiring a first-year apprentice 


Tourism and Culture:

Tourism Workforce Sustainability Program (TIAO)


December 19 deadline - Canada Summer Jobs wage subsidy 

January 17 deadline -  Young Canada Works wage subsidy

Discover Ability Network (Disability Inclusion)

Employer Toolkit for Hiring Newcomers (QLIP)

Hasting County Community Profile (Labour force and demographic information)

Hire persons with disabilities

Small Business HR Toolkit (recruitment, onboarding, training, retention, legal)
Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) 
Free job descriptions and postings - Career Edge, META, Loyalist CES (Community Employment Services), Agilec

Centre For Workforce Development - Labour market information and reports

Social Media tags: @hastingcounty #HastingsCounty #WildlyAuthentic #WildlySuccessful #WildlyDelicious #IndigenousTourism #DiscoverON #ComeWander @OntarioCulinary #FeastOn

Hastings County Business Directory 

Submit your events on our website (link at bottom of page)
Market Research (student projects) - Contact Loyalist Industry Partnership Officer Laurie Caouette
Local food producer directory - Harvest Hastings 

Culinary Tourism Alliance - Contact Zain Alkhouri, Marketing Specialist,
Municipal Directory - Deseronto, Marmora & Lake, Stirling-Rawdon, Tweed, Tyendinega
Chambers of Commerce (local) - Bancroft, Madoc & Disctrict, Tweed

BIA - Bancroft, Madoc (BIT), Marmora & Lake (MLBA), Stirling-Rawdon
2SLGBTQI+ Friendly - Rainbow Registered Directory
Digital Main Street Vendor Directory 
Newspapers - InQuinte, Belleville Intelligencer, Community Press, My Bancroft Now, Bancroft This Week, Tweed News, QNET News, News on 7
Radio - 95.5 Hits FM, 91x FM, Moose FM, CJBQ

Add your business to Google Maps

Do I need a license or permit?

Where do I register my business name?

What is market research and do I need to do it?

Should I charge HST?

Should I make financial projections before I start?

I want to hire, but am I hiring an employee or independent contractor?



Looking for statistics?


A Decade of Life Lessons 
from a Creative Entrepreneur


 Learn from Christina Bagatavicius, co-founder of Bespoke Collective, 
a successful creative consultancy with an international roster of clients built over the last decade, 
as she shares valuable business advice, and what it takes to be a "Wildly Successful" entrepreneur!

Filmed live on December 19th, 2023 at the Marble Arts Centre in Tweed, Ontario.

Find the next location for your business

Ready to invest?

Be The One

Speak to our team and begin your business journey here in Hastings County.



We would love to hear from you!

Christine McLean smiling

Christine McLean

Small Business Coordinator

Andrew Redden smiling

Andrew Redden

Manager, Economic and Tourism Development

613.966.6712 ext. 4011